Wednesday, 1 January 2014

The terms Verification and Validation are commonly used in software engineering to mean two different types of analysis. The usual definitions are:
  • Validation: Are we building the right system?
  • Verification: Are we building the system right?
In other words, validation is concerned with checking that the system will meet the customer’s actual needs, while verification is concerned with whether the system is well-engineered, error-free, and so on. Verification will help to determine whether the software is of high quality, but it will not ensure that the system is useful.
The distinction between the two terms is largely to do with the role of specifications. Validation is the process of checking whether the specification captures the customer’s needs, while verification is the process of checking that the software meets the specification.
Verification includes all the activities associated with the producing high quality software: testing, inspection, design analysis, specification analysis, and so on. It is a relatively objective process, in that if the various products and documents are expressed precisely enough, no subjective judgements should be needed in order to verify software.
In contrast, validation is an extremely subjective process. It involves making subjective assessments of how well the (proposed) system addresses a real-world need. Validation includes activities such as requirements modelling, prototyping and user evaluation.
In a traditional phased software lifecycle, verification is often taken to mean checking that the products of each phase satisfy the requirements of the previous phase. Validation is relegated to just the begining and ending of the project: requirements analysis and acceptance testing. This view is common in many software engineering textbooks, and is misguided. It assumes that the customer’s requirements can be captured completely at the start of a project, and that those requirements will not change while the software is being developed. In practice, the requirements change throughout a project, partly in reaction to the project itself: the development of new software makes new things possible. Therefore both validation and verification are needed throughout the lifecycle.
Finally, V&V is now regarded as a coherent discipline: ”Software V&V is a systems engineering discipline which evaluates the software in a systems context, relative to all system elements of hardware, users, and other software”. (from Software Verification and Validation: Its Role in Computer Assurance and Its Relationship with Software Project Management Standards, by Dolores R. Wallace and Roger U. Fujii, NIST Special Publication 500-165)
Having thus carefully distinguished the two terms, my advice to V&V practitioners was then to forget about the distinction, and think instead about V&V as a toolbox, which provides a wide range of tools for asking different kinds of questions about software. And to master the use of each tool and figure out when and how to use it. Here’s one of my attempts to visualize the space of tools in the toolbox:

A range of V&V techniques. Note that "modeling" and "model checking" refer to building and analyzing abstracted models of software behaviour, a very different kind of beast from scientific models used in the computational sciences
For climate models, the definitions that focus on specifications don’t make much sense, because there are no detailed specifications of climate models (nor can there be – they’re built by iterative refinement like agile software development). But no matter – the toolbox approach still works; it just means some of the tools are applied a little differently. An appropriate toolbox for climate modeling looks a little different from my picture above, because some of these tools are more appropriate for real-time control systems, applications software, etc, and there are some missing from the above picture that are particular for simulation software. I’ll draw a better picture when I’ve finished analyzing the data from my field studies of practices used at climate labs.
Many different V&V tools are already in use at most climate modelling labs, but there is room for adding more tools to the toolbox, and for sharpening the existing tools (what and how are the subjects of my current research). But the question of how best to do this must proceed from a detailed analysis of current practices and how effective they are. There seem to be plenty ofpeople wandering into this space, claiming that the models are insufficiently verified, validated, or both. And such people like to pontificate about what climate modelers ought to do differently. But anyone who pontificates in this way, but is unable to give a detailed account of which V&V techniques climate modellers currently use, is just blowing smoke. If you don’t know what’s in the toolbox already, then you can’t really make constructive comments about what’s missing.

1 comment:

  1. I also tell my team members to spend qaulity time doing analysis of the work they do. Do not spend the entire day in just doing testing.
    Spending everyday sometime on Analysis will help them
    to move in the right direction in the work and also helps them to see in a bigger and broader perspective of the work.
    Finally, just spend good amount of time in planning, reviews and analysis, the execution will be done like in no time.

    equipment validation
    labview programming
    software validation


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